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School Accident Insurance Information

Attached are our 2024-2025 voluntary coverage forms.

Student Assurance Services has received Meridian Public School’s 2024/25 student accident/catastrophic insurance renewal applications. 


Attached are the Online Voluntary Student Accident Forms for the upcoming school year.  As mentioned in the renewal letter, please make sure all families (PK-12) are directly informed about the school’s student accident coverage at the beginning of the new school year (August).  This year, I have included an email template that some schools are using to email their families about the voluntary student accident coverage.  It is also important that the athletic department(s)/coaches remind families of student athletes about this voluntary coverage prior to the start of each sports season (Fall, Winter, Spring).


Open enrollment for the 2024-2025 voluntary coverage will begin on 8/1/2024


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Wamberg at 308-550-1122 – davidwamberg@gmail.com or myself at (800) 328-2739 - sonnyh@sas-mn.com.



Sonny Heinrich, Director of Sales

Student Assurance Services, Inc.

Phone: (800) 328-2739

E-mail: sonnyh@sas-mn.com


School Accident Insurance Online Form & Information


School Accident Insurance Online Form & Information


School Accident Insurance PAPER COPY Form & Information


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